Study Abroad Students In Barcelona



Wade Gravy




So you’ve decided to spend a semester in Barcelona… now what? Make the most of your time here with some enriching experiences, good food, rich culture, wild parties, boozin’ for cheap, and quality company. We’ve got a roster of good times for you and your new mates to get amongst… 

Get Messy On The Med

Our Original Boat Party is the perfect pregame for a night out in Barcelona, with our resident DJ spinning some sick beats, sea breeze giving your hair that perfectly tousled look, and a decent supply of booze on board. All this set to the backdrop of Barcelona’s picturesque coastline, you can get some stunning pics to send back to the parents, before you engage in some good ol’ debaucherous behaviour that you probably shouldn’t be writing home about. 

Then Find An Unconventional Hangover Cure

Oops, maybe you went a little toooo hard with that pregame and night out. In need of a lazy Sunday? Or maybe you just wanna keep the good time rolling? Either way, our Paella Lunch and Swim boat – running from June till September – is the perfect place for you to spend your Sundays this Summer.  Revive yourself with a fresh dip in the Mediterranean, a good feed, and roll on with a few more bevvies. 

¿Wine Not? Go To A Wine Tasting?

We all know why you decided to study abroad… to return home “cultured”, of course. And what’s more cultured and impressive than confidently whipping out some fun facts about wine? Get some cute sunset shots on a stunning Barcelona rooftop terrace, then a little tipsy on some wine that’ll take you on journey through the wine regions of Spain. Your best souvenir could be your newly acquired knowledge of Spanish wine!

Experience A Real Spanish Fiesta!

Take the party on land and explore Barcelona’s vibrant nightlife. While the city is renowned for its club scene, even more exciting is the festivals that occur year round the city. If you’re in town for the Spring semester, the biggest party of the year is about an hour bus ride out of the city – Sitges Carnival. Hop on the party bus with us on Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) to skip all the public transport chaos, party with the sickest crowd, and experience the grand festivities of Carnival! We’re talking costumes, live music, parades, fireworks – all the party essentials in one place.

And Take A Trip (Or Several)…

If you’re coming all the way to Barcelona and staying put in the city, you’re doing it wrong. There’s so much to explore, all just a short trip away from the city. You can escape the hustle and bustle of Barcelona beaches during Summer by joining us on our Costa Brava kayaking and snorkelling excursion. Take in the coastline from the comfort of your kayak while you bask in the sun, then get amongst that clear blue water, acquainting yourself with the marine life of the Mediterranean Sea.

Got some time to explore further afield? Check out Stoke Travel’s trips, taking you all around Europe, including Oktoberfest packagesSki Trips to AndorraSurfing in San Sebastiana wild all-inclusive weekender in Lloret de Mar, and the unofficial end of semester party in Munich – Springfest (the other Oktoberfest).